I try to make it as easy as possible for you by providing payment information and access in one convenient location! Right here! That's check writing, no cash handling, all your payments are made right here with a few simple clicks! To begin payment, simply find your session below and pick your payment option. You may choose from any of the three following options.
  1. Pay the full amount. *includes the non-refundable booking fee + the session fee all in one price at one time.
  2. Pay just the booking fee *non-refundable. you are responsible for paying the session fee at a later date
  3. Pay just the session fee *if you have already paid your booking fee, the session is only left to pay.
If you have any questions or concerns about payment options, see MSI rates or send me an email!

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Pick Your Payment

Pick Your Payment

We do not have a standard payment method set up for special packages at this moment. Instead, an invoice will be emailed directly to you for booking and another for your session fee. Thank you for understanding! Email me for pricing.

Pick Your Payment

Events will be invoiced, please contact me here if you have not received yours.

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